
Clav Health Vitamin B Complex

By  CLAV Health

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  • Vitamin B Complex Supports the Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate Metabolism
  • It ensures Normal Nerve Function Supports Blood Formation and Energy Production
  • One Vitamin B Capsule covers the Daily Requirement of All essential B Vitamins
  • Effective combination of B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 7, B 9 and B 12
  • 100% Vegan with the official V-Label Certificate
  • Free from lactose, gluten, genetic engineering and unwanted additives
  • Recyclable glass bottle with capsules made from plant substances
  • Laboratory tested quality and bioavailability
  • Made in Germany


Our body needs enough vitamins to function properly. The eight essential vitamins that our body cannot produce itself are the B vitamins. Since the tasks of these vitamins are very extensive and often cannot be differentiated from one another, we have developed a vitamin B complex that combines all these important vitamins.

As different as the composition and function of the vitamins are, they all have one thing in common: They are all water-soluble, heat-sensitive and have to be absorbed externally. Water-soluble means that our body does not store them and excretes them again. Only Vitamin B 12 and B 3 can be absorbed in the body's own depot for a while. That is why a daily intake of these important vitamins is vital for us.

The B vitamins are primarily responsible for our metabolism. They include, on the one hand, the normal function of energy metabolism, the formation of nerve cells, maintenance of a normal blood sugar level and, on the other hand, the support of the nervous system.


  • B1 supports the change of carbohydrates and the production of energy
  • B2 supports the energy metabolism and detoxifies the liver
  • B3 regulates fat and cholesterol levels
  • B5 supports wound healing and skin regeneration
  • B6 contributes to central metabolic processes and supports the nervous system
  • B7 has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails
  • B9 is particularly important for cell growth and division
  • B12 contributes to cell growth and normal energy metabolism and supports the normal function of the nervous system


B vitamins are found in a wide variety of foods. Some of the best sources include whole grains, legumes, grains, and nuts. But they are also found in meat, fish and eggs. The vital Vit B 12 in particular is not found in plant-based foods, but only in animal products. Animals only take it in when it is added to the feed, which then gets into their bodies and is stored. This means that meat and fish contain small amounts of Vit B 12.

It should always be noted that not all food sources have the same vitamin B content. Fish, for example, is rich in vitamin B 3, which is less found in plants. In contrast, lentils, beans or chickpeas are the better B 1 suppliers. A balanced and colorful diet should therefore always have top priority, because this is the only way to guarantee an optimal supply of the B vitamins. Like so many vitamins, those in the B group are sensitive to heat. Foods rich in vitamin B should therefore be eaten raw or steamed.

To prevent a deficiency, we therefore advise you to buy vitamin b complex. The easiest way to do this is in the form of high-dose capsules.


Changing circumstances can lead to an increased need for B vitamins.

This includes, for example, the following areas:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • Elderly people
  • People who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet
  • Children during the growth phase
  • Intolerance, diets or a one-sided diet can also lead to an increased need for vitamin B.

It is not always possible to have a balanced and colorful diet in everyday life. Stressors, deadlines, and other commitments can lead to eating unhealthily and being less mindful.

In this case, a supplementation of the vitamin B complex can be advisable. It covers all essential vitamins of this group with just one capsule and supplies the body with the necessary micronutrients. Buying vitamin b complex in high doses is therefore worthwhile.

It is important to always pay attention to the composition and bioavailability of the vitamins. At CLAV we pay attention to high-quality ingredients, high bioavailability and laboratory-tested quality of the products. Our vitamin B complex is 100% vegan, produced in Germany and of the highest quality. It covers your daily requirement of the eight essential B vitamins and supports your energy metabolism as well as other internal body functions, such as cell growth, regeneration of the skin or a healthy nervous system.

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    <th> Ingredients </th>
    <th> Amount Per Serving </th>
    <th> %Daily Value </th>

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

Consumption recommendation:

Take 2 capsules daily (1x morning/1x evening) after meals with sufficient liquid.

The information in the product description above is suggestive only, sourced straight from the manufacturer or supplier. It is possible that some facts of the product information are inaccurate or insufficient. We therefore recommend that you use the product description information as a guide, but that you verify the information upon physical receipt of the product. The information would include direction on appropriate use, side effects, and ingredients, as well as any application guidelines or warnings. If you have any questions or concerns about the product, please contact us

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CompositionPer Unit
Pantothenic acid88 mg
Biotin150 µg
Choline10.3 mg
Folic Acid600 μg
Vitamin B30 mg

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