
Zein Pharma Zinc Glycinate Capsules 15 mg

Von  ZeinPharma Germany GmbH

Bestellungszeit und Rate:
Nicht auf Lager

Mindestanzahl für die Bestellung von "Zein Pharma Zinc Glycinate Capsules 15 mg" ist 1.

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Ähnliches finden
  • — Barzahlung bei Lieferung
  • — Visa und MasterCard
  • Contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, hair and nails and normal immune system function
  • Just one recommended daily dose of zinc glycinate 15 mg covers the daily requirement
  • The enteric coating ensures precisely controlled release
  • Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories
  • Developed and produced by our pharmaceutical experts at our headquarters in Nauheim, Hesse

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

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