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Optimally dosed: 500 mg body-identical L-tryptophan in each capsule High-purity tryptophan from natural, plant-based fermentation Best vital substance of premium quality 100% vegan, certified with the vegan certification mark Our product is regularly tested by german and independent...
Thyroid & Hormones Selenium contributes to normal thyroid function and vitamin B6 to the regulation of hormone activity and thus to normalization of thyroid function, healthy hormone balance, physical well-being. Does not contain iodine VitalComplex...
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin A400 μg RE Vitamin B25 mg Vitamin C400 mg Pantothenic acid30 mg Manganese1 mg Biotin400 µg Selenium200 µg Zinc8 mg
39 HEALTHY ARGUMENTS FOR EVERY DAY. VitalComplex Premium is a dietary supplement with 39 valuable ingredients and is based on the latest scientific findings on the subject of micronutrients. If the following statements apply to you, then VitalComplex is exactly the right product for you:...
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin A400 μg RE Vitamin B25 mg Vitamin D800 IE Vitamin C400 mg Pantothenic acid30 mg Manganese1 mg Biotin400 µg Selenium100 μg Zinc8 mg
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Finding peace at night is a big challenge for many people. Everyday stress, professional challenges and private problems can ensure that the night's sleep suffers immensely. Insomnia and anxiety are more common than you might think. Finally sleeping peacefully thanks to a proven...
BrandsVitalplant Vitamin B1.75 µg
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Premium quality: high-quality L-tryptophan + L-tyrosine capsules high dose in optimal combination with selected B vitamins - for the discerning customer Natural effect: pure amino acids combination with 600 mg L tryptophan and 600 mg L tyrosine as well as vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and...
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NATÜRLICHES EINSCHLAFMITTEL MIT MELATONIN UND Baldrian Für schnelleres Einschlafen mit 1 mg Melatonin Pflanzliche Inhaltsstoffe für eine erholsame Nacht Enthält wertvolle Extrakte aus Baldrian, Passionsblume & Hopfen für eine erholsame Nacht Deckt den Tagesbedarf an Vitamin B12 und...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin B4μg (160%*)
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CLAV-NACHT: AKTIVER STOFFWECHSEL IM SCHLAF Sind Sie jemals schweißgebadet aufgewacht, ohne einen Albtraum gehabt zu haben? Viele Menschen glauben, dass ihr Körper nachts einfach regungslos im Bett liegt und sich entspannt. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Nachts ist unser Gehirn auf Hochtouren...
BrandsCLAV Health Weight22 g Package Quantity60 Capsule Life StageElder Vitamin B4μg (160%*)
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Sleep Aid – Vegan  A COMMON SOURCE OF RESTLESS SLEEP Shallow and restless sleep can have short and long-term impacts on your health. Dr Berg’s Sleep Aid is the only 100% vegan aid that provides stress targetted stress relief. So you can sleep guilt-free all night. It also helps...
BrandsDr. Berg Vitamin C13 mg
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OTHER INGREDIENTS:- Gelatin Capsules, Rice Powder, Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source) THE SLEEPING SUPPLEMENT THAT DE-STRESSES YOUR BODY Typical sleeping pills like melatonin  force  your body to sleep. They overpower it with unnatural sleep signals that leave you groggy...
BrandsDr. Berg Vitamin C3 mg
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Optimally dosed: 500 mg body-identical L-tryptophan in each capsule High-purity tryptophan from natural, plant-based fermentation Best vital substance of premium quality 100% vegan, certified with the vegan certification mark Our product is regularly tested by german and independent...
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