Melissa Extract

FINDING INNER PEACE AND BALANCE For your well-being and pleasant relaxation Finally be able to let your soul dangle again Regulates the mood through Griffonia 5-HTP and vitamin B5 Enthält valuable extracts from Ashwagandha,...
Brands NameCLAV Health Vitamin B5μg (200%*) Pantothenic acid6mg (100%*)
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CLAV NIGHT: ACTIVE METABOLISM IN YOUR SLEEP Have you ever woken up drenched in sweat without having had a nightmare? Lots of people believe that their body simply lies in bed motionless at night and relaxes. In fact, the opposite is the case. At night, our brain is in full...
Brands NameCLAV Health Weight22 g Quantity60 Capsule Life StageAdult Vitamin B4μg (160%*)
NATURAL SLEEP AID WITH MELATONIN AND VALERIAN For faster falling asleep with 1mg melatonin Herbal ingredients for a restful night Contains valuable extracts from valerian, passionflower & hops for a relaxing night Covers the daily requirement of vitamin B12 and...
Brands NameCLAV Health Vitamin B4μg (160%*)
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Stop with digestive heaviness after meals! Diges  til , your ally in difficult digestion*! Thanks to extracts of lemon balm, ginger and chamomile,  Diges  til  ensures a   beneficial effect in case of a difficult digestion, a heavy...
Brands NameTilman Weight0,120 kg Help ForDigestive System Quantity24 Peppermint20 mg Life StageAny Age Ginger20 mg
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  • AED49
  • AED119
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