
Blueberry Extract

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With lutein and blueberry extract, zinc, vitamin A and B2. Now with 12 mg lutein per capsule Every day our eyes are exposed to a number of irritants. Artificial light, computer work, sunlight, smoke, wind, pollen, dust, and free radicals can affect the eyesight. A balanced supply of...
Brands NameSanct Bernhard Vitamin A409,5 µg RE (1365 I.U.) Vitamin B2,8 mg Selenium20 µg Zinc4 mg
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Standardized to 25% anthocyanins This high-dose blueberry extract from Vitamintrend has been standardized to contain 25% anthocyanins. One capsule contains 500mg blueberry extract and 125mg anthocyanins. We recommend taking 3 capsules daily.   Anthocyanins...