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EISENKOMPLEX MIT KUPFER & WERTVOLLEN PFLANZLICHEN EXTRAKTEN Enthält Vitamin C und Kupfer für eine bessere Eisenaufnahme Eisen trägt zum normalen Sauerstofftransport im Körper und zur Bildung roter Blutkörperchen und Hämoglobin bei Mit wertvollen Extrakten aus Aronia, Holunder...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin C80 mg
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STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Powerful combination for your immune system from natural vitamin C and zinc  To protect cells from oxidative stress With valuable extracts from andrographis herb, acerola, echinacea and grapefruit  Covers the recommended daily requirement of zinc...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin C65mg (81%*) Zinc10 mg (100%*)
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NATURAL STIMULANT Stimulates the metabolism More energy for the day lets you feel active and energetic Against tiredness and fatigue through comprehensive vitamin B complex With valuable extracts from ginkgo, ginseng, guarana and green tea Covers the recommended daily requirement of...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin B9μg (360%*) Vitamin C60mg (200%*) Pantothenic acid12mg (200%*) Manganese1mg (50%*) Biotin300μg (600%*) Selenium60μg (109%*) Zinc5mg (50%*)
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STRENGTHENING VITAMINS FOR HAIR, SKIN AND NAILS Strong and healthy nails and hair thanks to selenium, zinc and biotin Valuable nutrients for the hair thanks to the high bioavailability of the vitamins it contains Covers the daily requirement of natural vitamin C Valuable combination of...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin C60 mg Biotin10,000µg (20,000 %*) Selenium41.25µg (75%*) Zinc7.5mg (75%*)
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VERBESSERN SIE AUFMERKSAMKEIT UND KONZENTRATION Verbessert Ihre Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit Vitamin B5 zur Unterstützung der geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit Unterstützt kognitive Funktionen mit Zink + Eisen Enthält natürliche Extrakte aus grünem Tee, Guarana und Ginkgo Deckt...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin B10μg (400%*) Vitamin C40mg (50%*) Pantothenic acid18mg (300%*) Biotin150μg (300%*) Zinc5mg (50%*)
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NATURAL VITAMIN C HIGH DOSE 250 mg of vitamin C per capsule made from natural rose hip extract High Bioavailability of the Vitamins contained Completely covers the Daily Requirement of Vitamin C Natural Vitamin C in High Strenght: Ideal for your Immune System 100% vegan with the...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin C500 mg (625%)
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HIGH QUALITY ZINC TABLETS 25 mg Zinc Bisglycinate per Tablet (250% NRV) High Bioavailability due to High-Quality and Elemental Zinc Bisglycinate Particularly well-tolerated Zinc Chelate Complex Zinc supports, among other things, the Function of the Immune System & of the Metabolism....
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin C25 mg
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