

مستخلص الرمان الطبيعي حماية الخلايا من الإجهاد التأكسدي بمستخلص الرمان غني بالبوليفينول يحتوي على 40% حمض الإيلاجيك مع 300 مجم من مسحوق فاكهة الرمان عالي الجودة و200 مجم من مستخلص قشر الرمان لكل كبسولة على أساس نباتي بحت. نباتي 100% مع شهادة V-Label الرسمية خالي من اللاكتوز...
Premium quality: unique combination of active ingredients of turmeric (turmeric) or yellow root (high content of curcumin) + ginger (high content of gingerol). Best bioavailability through piperine and bioperine (black pepper extract) Natural effect: pure plant ingredients as...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 11900
Product information "Organic Ashwagandha" The exotic-looking name Ashwagandha comes from the Sanskrit language. In Ayurvedic teachings, the sleeping berry - as it is called locally - has played a central role since time immemorial. The bush of the dormant berry blooms with dense...
الكركمين الكركم هو أفضل المكملات الغذائية الموجودة حاليًا في السوق. نبات من عائلة الزنجبيل، وقد أدى محتوى الكركمين الطبيعي في الكركم إلى زيادة الطلب عليه كمكمل غذائي. ومع ذلك، نظرًا لأن الكركمين يتم امتصاصه بشكل سيئ في مجرى الدم، فليست جميع مكملات الكركم متساوية. لمعالجة هذه المشكلة،...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 12900
A unique combination: High dosage supplement in premium quality combined ingredients from Fenugreek (Fenugreek Seeds), wild Yams (YAM), fennel, MSM, ground Silica and Biotin. Pure laboratory-tested active ingredients for the discerning customer with optimal effect. Natural herbal...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 12900
Panax ginseng contains a wealth of valuable ingredients that have always been known in traditional Chinese medicine. Ginseng is also used in today's medicine and natural medicine. Above all, it is about the so-called ginsenosides, as well as B vitamins, vitamins C and E, amino acids,...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 9900
Contains all the active ingredients of the root in their natural ratio 5% Withanolide: Highest concentration compared to all other main root extracts on the market and < 1% withaferin A Special extraction process using the principles of "green chemistry": Free from...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 10900
Gentle drying and ultra-fine grinding From strictly controlled cultivation and without the use of genetic engineering 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories Developed and produced by our pharmaceutical experts...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 8900
High-dose milk thistle extract with standardised silymarin content of 80>#/li### Contains artichoke and dandelion root extract, with other valuable secondary plant substances 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent...
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اتصل بنا لمعرفة السعر
Vivanta Nutrition Maca is a maca food supplement with added Selenium, Vitamin K and Zinc which contributes to normal fertility Each capsule contains the equivalent of 3,333mg Maca from a 10:1 Extract The formula is enhanced with Zinc - proven to support normal fertility...
Brandsفيفانتا Selenium45 μg
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 2900
High-quality natural curcuma root powder with 35 mg curcumin in combination with piperine and 1000 IU (international units) of vitamin D3. Piperine is obtained from black pepper and can support the absorption of curcumin in the body. Vitamin D contributes to normal bone...
Brandsدوبل هيرز Vitamin D25 µg
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AED‎ 4900
L-Lysine And Green Tea Extract: Great Combination In this vegan dietary supplement from Vitamintrend, L-lysine has been sensibly combined with green tea extract. Each capsule contains 500 mg L-lysine hydrochloride, of which 400 mg L-lysine and 200 mg green tea extract . The green...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 8900
Valuable ingredients With added vitamin C and zinc to support a normally functioning immune system Use of raw materials that are free from treatment with pesticides 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 8900
The Japanese temple tree Gingko biloba is one of the oldest trees in the world. Its valuable materials have been treasured for centuries. The key substance is found in the leaves of the tree and can be concentrated into a special extract via a multi-stage process. Each capsule contains 75 mg...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 16900
وصف: كبسولات الجينسينج 100 قطعة مكمل غذائي يحتوي على الجينسينوسيدات تعليمات الاستخدام: تناول 1 × 1 كبسولة يوميًا مع كوب من الماء. يجب عدم تجاوز الجرعة اليومية المحددة الموصى بها. تحذير: للاستخدام في البالغين والمراهقين الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 12 سنة وما فوق. لا يمكن استبعاد...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 11900
Pure plant-based premium flower extract Natural polyphenol (plant-based free radical scavenger) 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories Developed and produced by our pharmaceutical experts at our headquarters in...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 6900
كبسولات ألكورا كرز هندي مكمل غذائي مصنوع من كرز الكرز الهندي الغني بفيتامين C في غلاف كبسولة نباتية. يساهم فيتامين C في الأداء الطبيعي للجهاز المناعي والجهاز العصبي. يساعد فيتامين C أيضًا على تقليل التعب والإرهاق. مكونات: كرز هندي (78.16%)، غلاف الكبسولة: هيدروكسي...
Brandsالكورا Weight0.05 pure acerola powder315 mg Life StageElder Vitamin C50 mg
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 14900
Turmeric as a fresh root, as turmeric powder or turmeric extract - Ayurvedic teaching has always known a wide variety of dosage forms of this special tuber. It was and still is the subject of a wide variety of studies and investigations. Indications of an   effect...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 5900
Known as the ‘Golden Spice’, turmeric is a culinary ingredient used in many countries, particularly in South Asia. While it’s loved for its earthy-sweet taste, this natural ingredient is also a popular food supplement, and can be a great addition to a well-balanced diet. Thanks to its most...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 10900
Product information "Organic Acerola" Vitamins are  essential for the body  . That means: the human body needs its vitamins in order to be able to function effectively - starting with the brain, through the cardiovascular system and all other internal organs to the skin, the...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 8900
التوازن الهرموني الطبيعي خلال متلازمة ما قبل الحيض وفترة تنظيم المزاج من خلال مزيج قيم من العناصر الغذائية أيام أكثر متعة بفضل مستخلص عباءة السيدة ومسحوق فلفل الراهب توازن هرموني مثالي بفضل الحديد وفيتامين ب12 وحمض الفوليك يغطي الاحتياجات اليومية من الحديد وحمض الفوليك وفيتامين ب12...
Vitamin B5µg (100%*)
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 12900
Premium quality: natural organic psyllium husks ground and cleaned, 360 capsules (vegan), completely made in Germany and elaborately laboratory tested for the discerning customer Natural effect: plant-based fibre for the intestine - with 3000 mg daily dose optimal dosage (no...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 3900
HIGH-STRENGTH FRIENDLY BACTERIA  — containing 6 billion CFU per capsule, Lindens Pro Bio Live Max has a new improved recipe that delivers 20% higher potency for effective release, helping support your immune system and digestion PROMOTES GUT HEALTH  — help break down...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 12900
Reishi is a medicinal mushroom that is said to have numerous effective properties. As a medicinal mushroom powder or Reishi extract, the mushroom  can be used in many ways  ; traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine use it to support the human organism. Alone the ...
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