
Prämenstruelles Syndrom(PMS)

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Herbal medicine for menstrual disorders active ingredient:  dry extract of  chaste fruit  .  Areas of application:  For rhythm disturbances in the menstrual period (regular pace anomalies), feeling of tension and swelling in the breasts (mastodynia), monthly recurring...
BrandsHübner Naturarzneimittel GmbH Weight0.05 Life StageElder
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Outstanding extraction ratio of 10 to 1: Our chaste tree food supplement is based on an ex-traordinarily highly concentrated dry extract from the valuable chaste tree fruit Each vegan capsule contains a particularly high dose of 20 mg extract Just one capsule a day thus provides a generous...
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A unique combination: High dosage supplement in premium quality combined ingredients from Fenugreek (Fenugreek Seeds), wild Yams (YAM), fennel, MSM, ground Silica and Biotin. Pure laboratory-tested active ingredients for the discerning customer with optimal effect. Natural herbal...
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Der Marktführer mit der höchsten Dosierung: Mit Cosphera Hyaluronsäure-Kapseln erhalten Sie ein hochkonzentriertes Qualitätsprodukt. Pro Tagesdosis sind 100 mg Mönchspfeffer enthalten. Unsere Kapseln verfügen daher über die höchste Dosierung, was unser Produkt zum Marktführer macht. 120...
Black cohosh powder40 mg Dong Quai powder400 mg iron15 mg Monk Pepper Extract100 mg VITAMIN B1212 ug VITAMIN B610 mg Wild yam powder500 mg BrandsCosphera Vitamin B12 µg Vitamin C40 mg
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Premium quality: Original monk pepper 180 capsules – Vitex Agnus Castus as 5:1 extract per capsule – The monk pepper capsules are laboratory-tested for the discerning customers with optimal bio-availability. Natural effect: Pure vegetable vegan capsules of the highest raw material...
BrandsFurstenMed Monk Pepper Extract20 mg
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Dong Quai - does well and relaxed. Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis), the 'female ginseng', has been used in Chinese and Japanese folk medicine for women for over 2000 years. It is said to promote regular menstruation and relieve menstrual problems such as hot flashes and mood swings. Very...
  • Prämenstruelles Syndrom(PMS)
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