
Vitalplant Milk Thistle Complex

By  Vitalplant

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Our body acts as a high-performance system. It is able to reliably carry out a wide range of functions – for a lifetime and without a break. But free radicals, harmful substances, environmental toxins, microplastics or toxins such as alcohol regularly damage our body.

A healthy lifestyle, a wholesome diet, plenty of fluids and exercise, and avoiding toxic substances all contribute to the body's natural detoxification. Detox or fasting cures as well as high-quality dietary supplements can effectively support the detoxification and vitalization of the body. Schisandra extract from the schisandra berry (Chinese: Wuweizi) and milk thistle extract are recommended as natural and gentle active ingredients from nature.

Milk Thistle Complex with the Adaptogen: Schisandra Berry

Biologically active substances that can be used beneficially and beneficially for body and mind are called adaptogens in technical jargon. This also includes the schisandra berries (Wuweizi), which are known in traditional Chinese medicine for their ability to bind free radicals. They bind the harmful messenger substances and transport them out of the cells in order to protect them in the best possible way.
Milk thistle is also known in naturopathy for its natural properties. The unique combination of schisandra extract and milk thistle extract can gently improve the natural elimination and detoxification processes in the human body. The liver, kidneys, lungs and gastrointestinal tract are confronted with the task of transporting toxins and metabolic end products out of our body on a daily basis and should be optimally supported in this regard.
Due to daily stress, the body's natural detoxification function often reaches its limits. Fortunately, natural active ingredients from high-quality plant extracts can provide gentle and effective support. The consequences are sometimes a better sleep quality, stress reduction, strengthening of the immune system, serenity and inner strength once the body is vital, healthy and unencumbered.

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    <th> Ingredients </th>
    <th> Amount Per Serving </th>
    <th> %Daily Value </th>

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

Consumption recommendation:

Take 2 capsules daily (1x morning/1x evening) after meals with sufficient liquid.

The information in the product description above is suggestive only, sourced straight from the manufacturer or supplier. It is possible that some facts of the product information are inaccurate or insufficient. We therefore recommend that you use the product description information as a guide, but that you verify the information upon physical receipt of the product. The information would include direction on appropriate use, side effects, and ingredients, as well as any application guidelines or warnings. If you have any questions or concerns about the product, please contact us

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