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AED‎ 24900
فيتامين  جـ - صديق للمعدة، خالي من الأحماض، متعادل الحموضة فيتامين ج هو أكثر الفيتامينات شهرة لتقوية جهاز المناعة ، فهو مضاد للالتهابات من أي نوع (مثل نزلات البرد) ويمكن أن يقصر فترة التجدد. لكن هذا الفيتامين الفائق يتميز بخصائص إيجابية أخرى. فيتامين ج هو أهم مضادات الأكسدة في جسم...
Brandsجرين اوفيزن Weight144g Package Quantity180 Life StageElder Vitamin C500 mg
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Vitamin C is the best-known vitamin for strengthening the immune system. It helps against infections of all kinds (e.g. colds) and can shorten the regeneration time. But this super vitamin shines with other positive properties. Along with vitamin E, it is the most important...
Brandsجرين اوفيزن Weight155 Package Quantity120 Life StageElder Vitamin C1000 mg
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Vitamin C is the best-known vitamin for strengthening the immune system. It helps against infections of all kinds (e.g. colds) and can shorten the regeneration time. But this super vitamin shines with other positive properties. Along with vitamin E, it is the most important...
Brandsجرين اوفيزن Weight465 g Package Quantity360 Life StageElder Vitamin C1000 mg
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Vitamin C stomach friendly - for strong defences and healthy joints. Vitamin C prevents infections, shortens its course and shortens the disease phase. The super vitamin is the most important vitamin for strengthening the immune system. But its importance goes far beyond that. It promotes...
Brandsجرين اوفيزن Weight450g Package Quantity450 g Life StageElder Vitamin C1000 mg
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Vitamin C powder - for a strong immune system. Vitamin C prevents infections, alleviates their course and shortens the disease phase. The super vitamin is the most important vitamin for strengthening the immune system. But its importance goes far beyond that. It promotes physical and mental...
Brandsجرين اوفيزن Weight500 g Package Quantity500 g Life StageElder Vitamin C1000 mg
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Acerola C - strengthens the immune system and protects the cells Vitamin C is the most famous vitamin for strengthening the defences. It helps against infections of any kind (e.g. and can shorten the recovery time. But this super vitamin still shines with other properties. Vitamin C is the...
Brandsجرين اوفيزن Weight120 g Package Quantity120 Life StageElder Vitamin C500 mg
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