

Important micronutrients for men who want to have children. 39 exclusive ingredients with a high-dose vitamin B complex and an important amino acid complex. The health benefits at a glance: Sperm formation and fertility Selenium contributes to normal sperm...
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin A400 μg RE Vitamin B25 mg Vitamin D800 IE Vitamin C400 mg Pantothenic acid30 mg Manganese1 mg Biotin400 µg Selenium150 µg Zinc8 mg
Thyroid & Hormones Selenium contributes to normal thyroid function and vitamin B6 to the regulation of hormone activity and thus to normalization of thyroid function, healthy hormone balance, physical well-being. Does not contain iodine VitalComplex...
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin A400 μg RE Vitamin B25 mg Vitamin C400 mg Pantothenic acid30 mg Manganese1 mg Biotin400 µg Selenium200 µg Zinc8 mg
39 HEALTHY ARGUMENTS FOR EVERY DAY. VitalComplex Premium is a dietary supplement with 39 valuable ingredients and is based on the latest scientific findings on the subject of micronutrients. If the following statements apply to you, then VitalComplex is exactly the right product for you:...
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin A400 μg RE Vitamin B25 mg Vitamin D800 IE Vitamin C400 mg Pantothenic acid30 mg Manganese1 mg Biotin400 µg Selenium100 μg Zinc8 mg
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Premium quality: natural eye vitamins high dose with vitamin A to maintain vision, 90 capsules (vegan) based on a combination of plant substances, vitamins and trace elements, carefully processed and specially developed for the discerning customer Natural effect: lutein + zeaxanthin...
BrandsFurstenMed Selenium55 μg Zinc5,12 mg
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With lutein and blueberry extract, zinc, vitamin A and B2. Now with 12 mg lutein per capsule Every day our eyes are exposed to a number of irritants. Artificial light, computer work, sunlight, smoke, wind, pollen, dust, and free radicals can affect the eyesight. A balanced supply of...
BrandsSanct Bernhard Vitamin A409,5 µg RE (1365 I.U.) Vitamin B2,8 mg Selenium20 µg Zinc4 mg
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