
مضادات الأكسدة

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AED‎ 8900
Beta-carotene in the form of a natural plant extract from Dunaliella salina algae. High dose with 15mg per capsule. Natural carotenoid complex encapsulated in ultra pure tapioca softgels. No gelatine, carrageenans, or PEG. Vegan. 180 capsules Only 3 ingredients: algae extract, sunflower...
Brandsساندي ناتشورال فيتامين أ2500 μg
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 10900
Gentle hot water extraction of the traditional medicinal mushroom High-quality and pure raw material From strictly controlled cultivation in China, the traditional country of origin 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent...
Brandsزين فارما Weight144g Package Quantity120 Life StageElder
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 12900
Migradolor ® Junior - 60 capsules dietary supplements Migradolor® junior is a modern dietary supplement and was specially developed for children from 8 years of age. Migradolor® junior contains a special triple combination of very well-tolerated magnesium salts with 150 mg...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 17900
كبسولات ريسفيراترول 125 ملغ مستخلص عالي الجودة من knotweed اليابانية 125 مجم ريسفيراترول لكل كبسولة خالية من المواد المساعدة والمواد المضافة فوائد 100٪ نباتي وخالي من الجلوتين واللاكتوز والصويا يتم اختبار منتجاتنا بانتظام من قبل مختبرات ألمانية ومستقلة المكونات وإرشادات...
Brandsزين فارما Davon trans-resveratrol125 mg Japanese knotweed-extract500 mg
مجمع الحليب الشوك والخرشوف العضوي 400 مجم من مسحوق شوك مريم العضوي، غني بالسيليمارين المستخرج بلطف. 40 مجم من مستخلص الخرشوف العضوي مع 2.5% سينارين على الأقل لكل كبسولة معروف منذ قرون بأنه نبات طبي للكبد والمعدة والأمعاء غني بالمواد المرة والمركبات النباتية الثانوية بأعلى مستويات...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 10900
Microencapsulated to protect the sensitive substance from light, heat and oxidation in air High bioavailability 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories Developed and produced by our pharmaceutical experts at our...
أستازانتين فريد من نوعه. إنها صبغة حمراء مسؤولة عن إعطاء لحم السلمون وسرطان البحر والكركند والروبيان لونها الأحمر الوردي. هذه المادة الكيميائية (الكاروتينويد) تجعل القشريات تبدو مشرقة وحيوية، وقد ثبت أن لها بعض الروابط في تعزيز الصحة ومعالجة المخاوف الصحية المحتملة. Nu U Nutrition...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 12900
High-dose, vegan quercetin without magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide release agents Quercetin is found in many natural foods. For example, a lot of the nutrient can be found in capers, broccoli or apples. Quercetin is classified in the group of secondary plant substances. Many...
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AED‎ 13900
Introducing: Sea Kelp Enhanced NEW ENHANCED FORMULA - Sea Kelp Enhanced is a new health-boosting formula that combines three unique types of algae, only found in the pristine waters of Iceland. These algae include organic sea kelp (also known as laminaria), organic blue-green...
يعتبر كرز مونتمورنسي مكملاً غذائياً مشهوراً بسبب محتواه الغني بالأنثوسيانين والفلافونويد والميلاتونين. هذه العناصر الغذائية الثلاثة (بالإضافة إلى الألياف الإضافية والفيتامينات ومضادات الأكسدة) هي التي تمنح هذا الكرز الحامض فوائده الصحية العديدة. يحتوي Montmorency Cherry على نسبة عالية من...
Brandsنيو يو نيوتريشن Weight22 g Package Quantity90 Capsule Life StageElder
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 3900
Medicine and dietary supplement for your health. Queisser Pharma stands for healthy life and holistic well-being. As one of the leading German pharmaceutical companies, we can look back on more than 100 years of company history. Under the brand Doppelherz we offer an extensive range of...
Brandsدوبل هيرز Weight15.5 g Help ForNervous System, Biotin, Vitamin E, Energy Package Quantity30 Life StageElder
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Maitake: Medicinal Mushroom Botanical: Grifola frondosa Japanese: Maitake, Kumotake Chinese: Huai Su Gu German: Common Rattlesponge, Leaf Porling, Spatula-Hated Porling Functional mushrooms have been used in the health philosophy of various peoples for...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 8900
Beta-carotene in the form of a natural plant extract from Dunaliella salina algae. High dose with 15mg per capsule. Natural carotenoid complex encapsulated in ultra pure tapioca softgels. No gelatine, carrageenans, or PEG. Vegan. 180 capsules Only 3 ingredients: algae extract, sunflower oil,...
Brandsساندي ناتشورال فيتامين أ2500 μg
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 10900
Premium extract from French grape seeds Natural protective shields against free radicals High dosage 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories Developed and produced by our pharmaceutical experts at our...
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Normal everyday life would be unthinkable without functioning muscle activity. They are involved in every single one of our physical activities - whether consciously or unconsciously. The skeletal musculature is an essential part of our strength and physical performance, while the...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 32900
Onkozym ®  - 120 capsules Reduce side effects - strengthen the immune system. The Onkozym ® nutrient concept was developed for oncological patients to cover a specifically increased need for micronutrients in the event of a nutritionally-related nutrient...
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PABA – counteracts ageing. Para-aminobenzoic acid, known as PABA, is a vitamin-like carbon acid and one of the most important building blocks of folic acid. It is therefore indirectly involved in blood formation, cell division and growth processes in the body. Folic acid contributes to a...
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AED‎ 18900
THE GREATEST SUPERFOOD YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD OF... You want to eat vegetables but it’s annoyingly difficult. Vegetables don’t taste great, take too long to cook, and are expensive. There’s now a concentrated vegetable juice that is packed with antioxidants and nutrients help keep you strong...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 5900
Premium astaxanthin in the form of BioAstin® from Hawaii; 4mg per softgel capsule. 100% natural and plant-based, derived from microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis and supplied by the global market leader. Patented, sustainable cultivation in pure spring water. Unique and custom made for us with...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 13900
All-Rounder For Well-Being The fruit of the graviola tree has a pleasant, sour taste. Under the green skin you will find the pulp, which is rich in valuable ingredients. The antioxidants and vitamins from the fruit can target the immune system and neutralize free radicals . Graviola...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 6900
إن التغطية الإعلامية والفوائد الصحية المحتملة التي ذكرها المتخصصون في هذا المجال جعلت من الكركم أحد أهم المكملات الغذائية على هذا الكوكب في الوقت الحالي. إن العنصر الأساسي في الأنظمة الغذائية القائمة على الكاري، والعلوم الجديدة والقدرة على عزل الكركمين من النبات يجعل من الممكن توفير ما يكفي...
غير متوفر بالمخزون
AED‎ 6900
Produced in Germany In vegan capsules Independently tested raw materials Pharmaceutical quality Free from additives of any kind Product information "Aronia" In recent years, the aronia berry has become more and more popular as a so-called...
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Coenzyme Q10 - the super fuel for the cells. Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinon-10) is a vitamin-like substance used for the production of energy in cell power plants (mitochondria). Therefore, in all organs with increased energy requirements, the concentration of coenzyme Q10 is particularly high....
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NADH Energy Turbo for more power and performance NADH (Nicotinamide dincleotide hydrogen), also known as coenzyme 1, is the active coenzyme form of niacin (vitamin B3) and absolutely essential. The coenzyme is mainly used for energy production within the cells. It serves as a carrier of the...
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