
Clav Health Glow Vitamins for Hair

Von  CLAV Health

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  • Strong and healthy nails and hair thanks to selenium, zinc and biotin
  • Valuable nutrients for the hair thanks to the high bioavailability of the vitamins it contains
  • Covers the daily requirement of natural vitamin C
  • Valuable combination of natural vitamin C, millet extract, biotin, zinc, selenium and copper
  • Fortifying vitamins for hair
  • 100% vegan with the official V-Label certificate
  • Free from lactose, gluten, genetic engineering and unwanted additives
  • Recyclable glass bottle with capsules made from plant substances
  • Laboratory tested quality and bioavailability
  • Made in Germany


Radiant hair, strong nails and a healthy skin complexion. Many of us would like that. The stress of everyday life and an unhealthy diet, but also other factors, can contribute to neglecting the care of our skin, hair and nails. Often nails become brittle or very thin, hair lacks bounce and the skin appears pale and full of blemishes. Hair vitamins can help and restore natural beauty.

For strong hair and healthy hair growth, our body needs trace elements and minerals such as calcium or zinc. Selenium is also one of the most important trace elements when it comes to our hair health. It contains important proteins and enzymes that we urgently need for our hair health. Selenium is responsible for numerous metabolic processes in our body and strengthens our hair roots and nails from the inside. Selenium deficiency can lead to thin and brittle hair and even hair loss. Because of this, vitamins for hair are beneficial for many people.

Both women and men can suffer from hair loss. This is not only a physical but also a psychological burden for many of those affected. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin from the vitamin B group and contains valuable keratin. Biotin helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. The right vitamins for hair ensure shiny, healthy and strong hair. Thus, this dietary supplement can be taken in the event of hair loss to stimulate hair growth again.


Our skin - the largest human organ - is a true all-rounder. To keep the skin healthy, it needs sufficient amounts of zinc. The vitamin for the hair not only promotes hair growth and is the ideal dietary supplement for hair loss, but also provides our skin with important nutrients. Zinc also contributes to the energy metabolism, which in turn has a positive effect on our skin.

If you have blemished or too dry skin, you could suffer from a zinc deficiency. Zinc regulates the skin's metabolism and promotes the formation of new skin in injuries and wounds. It helps our largest organ with fat regulation and moisture storage, can prevent itching, inflammation and redness and ensure a healthy complexion. That is why it may be advisable to take vegan food supplements to complement a balanced diet as best as possible.

Pimples, acne, blackheads, dry or oily spots - many women and men have problems with these. Often it is attributed to puberty, poor nutrition and other reasons that young people in particular are supposed to have. But adults can also suffer from these skin problems. In order to achieve radiant, healthy and pure skin, it is advisable to consume sufficient zinc.


CLAV has made it its mission to promote the body's own healing power and to strengthen it from within. That is why all of the ingredients in our products are bioavailable, vegan and sustainable. In order to guarantee an optimal supply of biotin, zinc and selenium, these vitamins have been specially coordinated for the hair. In this combination, hair loss can be prevented, your hair is strengthened from the inside, your nails are strengthened and your skin is regenerated. Taking this dietary supplement for hair loss is very advisable thanks to the biotin it contains. Skin, hair and nails benefit equally and can naturally strengthen and regenerate. These hair vitamins give your hair its natural bounce and beauty again and ensure a wonderful glow from the inside and outside.

GLOW is perfect for your hair, skin and nails. The valuable combination of biotin, zinc, selenium and other nutrients such as vitamin C, millet extract, L-lysine, L-proline and copper sulfate make it a vitamin for hair, skin and nails with a high bioavailability. Thus, this dietary supplement can help with hair loss and strengthen the hair.

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

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CompositionPer Unit
Biotin10,000µg (20,000 %*)
Selenium41.25µg (75%*)
Zinc7.5mg (75%*)
Vitamin C60 mg

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