
FürstenMED® Calcium Citrate Capsules - Pure Calcium Citrate

Von  FurstenMed

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  • Premium quality: calcium citrate capsules with 2880 mg tricalcium citrate - elaborately laboratory tested to the highest standards - developed for the discerning customer to maintain teeth and bones
  • Natural effect: Tricalcium citrate is the highest quality calcium source and has excellent bioavailability - pure and without any additives
  • Compatible, safe and pure: we use only the best tested raw material - vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free and genetic engineering - without fillers, dyes, flavor enhancers, and preservatives
  • The best for your health: German production (made in Germany) under the highest quality standards (ISO and HACCP certified) as well as strict hygiene guidelines - FürstenMED stands for premium quality tested in independent laboratories and is certified organic according to EC Öko regulation

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

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