
Greenfood Ginkgo Biloba 200mg

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Ginkgo Biloba - High Dose Leaf Extract The Ginkgo tree is a living fossil, it has been around for 250 million years. In its homeland, the East Asian region, the ginkgo has been valued for centuries for its positive properties. Ginkgo is a natural and effective source to maintain and improve brain performance such as concentration and memory. It is very well tolerated and suitable for anyone who wants to get their tired grey cells on their toes. Studies indicate that the typical ingredients promote microcirculation of the brain because they increase blood flow. The improved blood circulation benefits the cardiovascular system.

Can size: One can contains 180 pellets

Dosage: 1 pellet = 200 mg Ginkgo Biloba, high-dose leaf extract.

Recommended intake: Take 1 pressing daily, together with plenty of liquid.

Ingredients: Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract (24% Flavone), Cellulose (MCC).

Premium quality. Extra high dosage. 100% plant-based. No artificial additives (without magnesium stearate, etc.). GMO-free (non-GMO). Gluten free, lactose free. Vegan.

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    <th> Ingredients </th>
    <th> Amount Per Serving </th>
    <th> %Daily Value </th>

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

Consumption recommendation:

Take 2 capsules daily (1x morning/1x evening) after meals with sufficient liquid.

The information in the product description above is suggestive only, sourced straight from the manufacturer or supplier. It is possible that some facts of the product information are inaccurate or insufficient. We therefore recommend that you use the product description information as a guide, but that you verify the information upon physical receipt of the product. The information would include direction on appropriate use, side effects, and ingredients, as well as any application guidelines or warnings. If you have any questions or concerns about the product, please contact us

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