
Greenfood Vitamin C Powder 250g

Von  Greenfood Natural Products BV

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Vitamin C powder - for a strong immune system.

Vitamin C prevents infections, alleviates their course and shortens the disease phase. The super vitamin is the most important vitamin for strengthening the immune system. But its importance goes far beyond that. It promotes physical and mental performance like no other vitamin. Vitamin C is essential for building bones, cartilage, skin, teeth and maintaining healthy gums. Due to its positive influence on connective tissue formation, the blood vessels remain supple and the skin remains smooth. The movement of the joints is also supported by vitamin C. Vitamin C is a stimulant and reduces fatigue because it supports blood formation in the bone marrow and stimulates energy metabolism. Even the nervous system and the psyche (concentration, composure) benefit from vitamin C. The vitamin is one of the most important radical catchers in the body. It protects the cells from aggressive oxygen compounds and prevents them from degenerating or dying. For the American Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling, vitamin C was the most important vitamin for preventing signs of ageing and illness. He consumed several grams of this vitamin every day.

Tub size: 250 g vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Recommended intake: Mix 1⁄2 teaspoons daily (about 1 gram) into a yoghurt or take with a little liquid (e.g. fruit juice).

Ingredients: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, 100%), genetically free.

Premium quality. Fine crystalline powder. No artificial additives (no magnesium stearate, etc.). Not genetically engineered (Non GMO). Gluten-free, lactose-free. Vegan.

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

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CompositionPer Unit
Vitamin C1000 mg

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