
Multi-Food Creatine Capsules

Von  Multi-Food

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Creatine monohydrate capsules

Multi-food creatine capsules with 1000 mg creatine monohydrate per capsule are a practical alternative to creatine shakes - especially on the go. Each creatine capsule contains 1000 mg of pure creatine. Creatine increases physical performance in explosive strength training in the context of short-term intense stress. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep away from children!  

Creatine capsules - easy to take, easy to swallow, convenient for on the go

Creatine is the result of a rather complicated conversion process in the body, which is based on the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. However, creatine itself is not an amino acid. Nor is it considered a peptide or protein. In the case of heavy physical exertion, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) initially provides short-term energy. Creatine then takes over this task for about a minute before the glycogen breakdown begins. Creatine can therefore increase physical performance during high-speed strength training in the context of short-term intense stress. This was already emphasized in studies in the 1990s (1), (2).

Meat and fish are the main sources of creatine

The organism produces around one to two grams of creatine per day itself. The remaining requirement is covered by food. To do this, however, the body resorts to creatine depots, which are almost exclusively found in the skeletal muscles. These depots can be filled up by creatine loading. This loading can realistically only be carried out via food with a temporary, high consumption of fish or meat, which is followed by regular intake in smaller quantities. Other foods contain too little creatine.

Creatine capsules - top quality from Germany

Multi-Food's creatine capsules each contain 1,000 milligrams of creatine monohydrate. Three creatine capsules can be taken regularly after training. If this is done with grape juice, the absorption is supported. The creatine capsules manufactured in Germany are themselves free of carbohydrates. They also contain no fatty acids or sweeteners. Thanks to their practical capsule form, they can be taken anywhere and taken when there is no way to prepare a creatine shake. Source: (1) Balsom, PD, et al., Skeletal muscle metabolism during short duration high-intensity exercise: influence of creatine supplementation, Acta Physiol Scand, Jul 1995, 154(3), pp. 303-310. (2) Birch, R., et al., The influence of dietary creatine supplementation on performance during repeated bouts of maximal isokinetic cycling in man, Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 1994, 69(3), pp. 268-276.

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