
Multi-Food Energy 32 chewable tablets

Von  Multi-Food

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Low glycemic index isomaltulose chewable tablets

MultiFood Energy 32 endurance chewable tablets are the ideal source of energy for in between meals because they consist of 96% isomaltulose. In contrast to high-glycemic simple sugars such as maltodextrin, dextrose or sucrose, isomaltulose shows a less pronounced rise in blood sugar levels after consumption and is still pleasantly sweet. In addition, the isomaltulose used in Energy 32 endurance chewable tablets cannot be used by caries-producing bacteria in the oral flora to form acid and is therefore more tooth-friendly than conventional sugar.

Benefits of Energy 32

Energy 32 (Palatinose) is virtually calorie-free, does not cause tooth decay and does not raise blood sugar levels. Energy 32 (Palatinose) is ideal for many nutritional therapies, such as obesity, type 1 and 2 diabetes, Candida fungal infestation or for feeding ADD children who become restless from sugar.

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

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