
Multi-Food Zinc tablets

Von  Multi-Food

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  • — Barzahlung bei Lieferung
  • — Visa und MasterCard
  • Vegan
  • highly dosed
  • contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • For skin, hair and nails
  • to maintain normal vision
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels

Biologically active zinc compound

The zinc gluconate contained in Multi-Food Zinc 330 is a biologically active zinc compound with increased bioavailability. In addition to its contribution to a normal immune system, this valuable trace element contributes to the normal functioning of various metabolic processes. In addition, it is involved in the maintenance of normal hair, skin, nails and vision and plays a role in normal blood testosterone levels. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep away from children!

Zinc 330 - the supplement for increased zinc requirements

The mineral zinc can also be referred to as the metabolic trace element. Among other things, zinc contributes to a normal acid-base, carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism and to normal protein and DNA synthesis. Although this is an indispensable, essential trace element, the normal requirement can be covered with very small amounts. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends ten milligrams a day for men and seven grams for women. However, the metabolism is accelerated through sporting activities. In addition, a not inconsiderable amount of zinc is lost with sweat.

These foods are particularly rich in zinc

It is therefore particularly important for athletes to ensure a good supply of zinc. Those who bake their own bread can fall back on recipes with wheat bran, oat flakes, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. All four ingredients are very good suppliers of zinc. This also applies to different types of cheese, a juicy beef fillet steak and peanuts. When enjoying oysters, on the other hand, you should be careful. They contain around 160 milligrams of zinc per 100 grams. It can easily happen that tolerable intake limits are exceeded.

Zinc 330 - vegan, highly dosed zinc tablets

As a supplement, Zinc 330 tablets are available from Multi-Food. The special thing about it is that each tablet contains an elemental content of 25 milligrams of pure zinc. In addition, all other ingredients are free from animal products, so that Zinc 330 is also suitable for vegans. In case the need arises, half a tablet per day is recommended. The best time to take it is between meals before or after training.

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

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