
Sonosan N1 - 40 tablets / 40 capsules

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Sonosan ® is a food for special medical purposes (balanced diet) for diet management in case of nutritive noises in the ears / tinnitus.

The Sonosan ® nutrient concept was developed as a duo combination to cover a specifically increased need for micronutrients in the case of nutritive noises in the ears / tinnitus.

The basis for this is on the one hand the yellow Sonosan ® tablet with the Cytrilan ®  nutrient complex. This contains natural bioflavonoids from citrus and palm fruit extracts as well as magnesium, B vitamins, folic acid and zinc. The white Sonosan ® capsule contains the body's own amino acid L-arginine and coenzyme Q10.

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

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CompositionPer Unit
Zinc5 mg
Vitamin A300 mcg

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