
Sunday Natural Potassium Citrate

Von  Sunday Natural

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Organic potassium citrate with 400mg potassium per capsule. Slightly basic pH value for ideal absorption and tolerability. Derived from natural fermentation, non-GMO, and free from corn and yeast as a final product. Vegan, histamine- and gluten-free, no additives. 120 capsules

  • Organic potassium citrate as a highly bioavailable potassium compound
  • Basic citrate form for especially good tolerability
  • 1,143mg potassium citrate per capsule, of which 400mg is pure potassium
  • Directly available for electrolyte balance
  • For supporting blood pressure, muscles, and nerves
  • Potassium citrate from plant-based fermentation
  • Vegan, non-GMO, no synthetic production
  • Ultra pure with only 1 ingredient: potassium citrate
  • Free from all additives and auxiliary materials
  • Free from allergens (lactose, gluten, and histamine)

If you have further questions on our products, please do not hesitate to contact us

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