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Circulin Artichoke Digestive Aid Heavy and high-fat meals, stress or the consumption of alcohol can quickly overwhelm our liver-bile system and stomach and ultimately lead to symptoms such as hyperacidity, heartburn or a feeling of fullness. Circulin artichoke plus gentian tablets have a...
BrandsZirkulin Weight0.05 Package Quantity100 Tablets Life StageElder
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Digestive problems are a widespread disease and can have a wide variety of causes. Stress, poor diet, lack of fluid intake and lack of exercise are common causes and can trigger stomach discomfort. However, these aspects are often difficult to eliminate due to the fast pace of everyday...
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Our body acts as a high-performance system. It is able to reliably carry out a wide range of functions – for a lifetime and without a break. But free radicals, harmful substances, environmental toxins, microplastics or toxins such as alcohol regularly damage our body. A healthy...
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Indole-3-Carbinol Combined With Broccoli Powder Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is primarily found in various types of cabbage (e.g. broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale and kohlrabi) and in some swedes and swedes. The sulfur-rich nutrient may be important as an antioxidant . A...
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Product information "Ginkgo Special" The ginkgo tree is native to China, where it is used both as an ornamental and as a useful plant. The leaves of the ginkgo are particularly relevant for medical use, because high-quality extracts are obtained from them, which can be relevant in the...
BrandsVitalplant Vitamin B1.2 µg
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In unserem Dickdarm können sich bis zu anderthalb Steine unverdauter Abfälle befinden. Dieser Überschuss ist weder gesund noch hilfreich für die Taille! Die Giftstoffe im Abfall können langsam in Ihren Körper zurücksickern und zahlreiche Auswirkungen auf Ihre Gesundheit haben. Dazu können...
BrandsNu U Nutrition Fennel Seed40 mg
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Vitalizing, strengthening and life-giving and a natural aphrodisiac  - this is how the caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinensis) has always been described in traditional Chinese medicine. Its name also describes its appearance - caterpillar-shaped and about as long as a...
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Product information "Artichoke" Otherwise known almost only as a food, this vegetable in juices and teas stimulates the  metabolism of the liver and gallbladder  . This is mainly due to their high content of polyphenols, special flavonoids and quinic acid...
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Artichoke extract with 2.5% cynarin, 5-fold concentrated nettle extract and juniper berries The artichoke is a perennial that is an increasingly appreciated plant for its many beneficial active ingredients. It is rich in organic and phenolic acids, the most important of which is...
Premium quality: Original Prosta Complex – 90 Prosta Capsules High Dose with Pumpkin Seed Extract, Tomato Extract, Lycopene, Pomegranate Extract, Soy Extract, Nettle Extract & Selenium Natural effect for him: plant substances with the highest bioavailability - 2018 exclusively...
BrandsFurstenMed Selenium60 μg
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Reishi is a medicinal mushroom that is said to have numerous effective properties. As a medicinal mushroom powder or Reishi extract, the mushroom  can be used in many ways  ; traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine use it to support the human organism. Alone the ...
BIO-Mariendistel und Artischocke, komplett 400 mg Bio-Mariendistelpulver, reich an schonend extrahiertem Silymarin. 40 mg Bio-Artischockenextrakt mit mindestens 2,5 % Cynarin pro Kapsel Seit Jahrhunderten als Heilpflanze für Leber, Magen und Darm bekannt Reich an Bitterstoffen und...
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Reishi: Medicinal Mushroom Botanical: Ganoderma Lucidum Chinese: Ling Zhi Sanskrit: Devanagari German: Glossy Lackporling Functional mushrooms have been used in the health philosophy of various peoples for centuries. Reishi occurs worldwide and grows mainly...
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Maitake: Medicinal Mushroom Botanical: Grifola frondosa Japanese: Maitake, Kumotake Chinese: Huai Su Gu German: Common Rattlesponge, Leaf Porling, Spatula-Hated Porling Functional mushrooms have been used in the health philosophy of various peoples for...
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Premium quality: high dose fermented black garlic - 130 capsules in the highest 10:1 ratio (Allium sativum L. - Black garlic tuber) - Odourless, easy to swallow and tested by independent laboratory for the highest quality Natural effect: pure vegetable capsules with extremely strong...
BrandsFurstenMed Vitamin B330 μg Vitamin C16, 5 mg
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Chaga: Medicinal Mushroom Botanical: Inonotus obliquus, Fungus betulinus Chinese: huashugu baihuarong Japanese: kofuki-sarunokoshikake kabanoanatake German: Schillerporling Functional mushrooms have been used in the health philosophy of various peoples for...
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Allcura ACE Selenkapseln Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Vitaminen und Selen Die Vitamine A, C und Selen tragen zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei. Darüber hinaus tragen die Vitamine C, E und Selen dazu bei, die Zellen vor oxidativem Stress zu schützen. Zutaten (pro...
BrandsAllcura Weight0.05 Life StageElder Selenium40 µg
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NATURAL BROCCOLI EXTRACT Rich in vitamin B2, vit B6, vit E & vitamin C A daily portion of broccoli extract corresponds to 2.5 kg broccoli Contains 10 % sulforaphane With many important minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc & sodium 100 % vegan with official...

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