
Vitalplant Selenium

Von  Vitalplant

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Selenium is one of the trace elements and is present in high-quality dietary supplements as inorganic sodium selenite. The selenium content of our food depends strongly on the soil conditions of the planting areas and is transferred through the soil into the plants or the crop. Central Europe is one of the selenium-poor areas. Animal foods such as meat, eggs and fish are good suppliers of the trace element. In this case, the animals absorb the selenium from their food and pass it on to us.

But what does the body need a sufficient selenium content for? What is its physiological function, how does a deficiency become noticeable? Our organism needs this important antioxidant to protect cells from oxidative stress , to maintain a healthy immune system and thyroid function, for the growth of healthy hair and nails, as well as for sperm production and thus male fertility.
A selenium deficiency can manifest itself in many ways. Symptoms range from loss of libido, lack of sperm activity to brittle hair. Since Europe is one of the selenium-poor areas, supplementing selenite with a high-quality dietary supplement is recommended. In this way, vital processes and structures can be maintained and supported in the best possible way.

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CompositionPer Unit
Selenium200 µg

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