

AED69900 AED49900
Sie sparen: AED200.00
Wichtige Nährstoffe für die Spermienqualität Wenn Sie sich ein Kind wünschen, dieser Wunsch aber nicht erfüllt wird, kann das nicht nur Ihre Partnerschaft, sondern auch Ihr Selbstwertgefühl belasten. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass auch Männer proaktiv sein können! Die männliche...
zinc40 mg Lycopene200 mcg Weight90 g VITAMIN E120 mg VITAMIN B129 mcg Omega170 mg Copper1 mg N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine80 mg Lutein800 mcg L-carnitine440 mg Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)90 mg Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)60 mg Help ForMen's Health Package Quantity30 Potency1 mg Life StageElder Biotin150 mcg Selenium80 mcg Zinc15 mg BrandsOrthomol Pharmazeutische Vertriebs GmbH Vitamin A1,000 mcg Vitamin B3.5 mg Vitamin D15 mcg Vitamin C250 mg
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Important nutrients for activation prior to sports Orthomol Sport prepare is a fruity bar with nutrients that prepare the body for sports. Caffeine contributes to an increase in stamina. The positive effect is noticeable when 3 mg caffeine per kilo of body weight is ingested about 1 hour...
BrandsOrthomol Pharmazeutische Vertriebs GmbH Weight576 g Help ForEnergy Package Quantity16 Life StageElder Hyaluronic Acid16 mg Protein15.00g
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Veggie Solution – Flavored  WHAT IS DR. BERG’S VEGGIE SOLUTION – FLAVORED? Your mother always said you needed vegetables to be healthy. But fruits and vegetables can be expensive to buy and take long to cook. Experts recommend at least four cups of fruits and vegetables a day. That...
BrandsDr. Berg Vitamin A4215 IU Vitamin B0.021 mg Protein3 g
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Optimally dosed: 500 mg body-identical L-tryptophan in each capsule High-purity tryptophan from natural, plant-based fermentation Best vital substance of premium quality 100% vegan, certified with the vegan certification mark Our product is regularly tested by german and independent...
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Product information "Cardio Plant" The heart is considered the most relevant and central of all human organs. The function of each  organ is based on a delicate balance and if only one of its functions is disturbed, this affects all the other systems in different and sometimes...
BrandsVitalplant Vitamin B1.1 mg Vitamin C100 mg Package Quantity120 Life StageElder
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Sonosan ® is a food for special medical purposes (balanced diet) for diet management in case of nutritive noises in the ears / tinnitus. The Sonosan ® nutrient concept was developed as a duo combination to cover a specifically increased need for micronutrients in the case...
Vitamin A300 mcg Zinc5 mg
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Outstanding quality. 365 highly dosed multivitamin tablets with 32 ingredients for full 365 days of use (1 year’s supply). One tablet contains a unique and highly dosed complex of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants and amino acids. 32 active ingredients: Each tablet contains...
BrandsVit4ever Vitamin A800 μg Vitamin B16 mg Vitamin D200 I.E Vitamin C80 mg Manganese2 mg Betaine5 mg Selenium55 μg Zinc10 mg
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Liver Pro is a food supplement from Vivanta Nutrition that includes Choline which contributes to normal Liver Function. Liver Pro is a source of Choline (92mg per serving) which contributes to the maintenance of normal liver function. Liver Pro is a source of Riboflavin (2.5mg...
BrandsVivanta Nutrition Vitamin B1.4 mg Vitamin D5 μg 200 IU Vitamin C60 mg Zinc6 mg
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ARTERIOSAN ® Arginin plus, Gefäßerkrankungen, Durchblutungsstörungen, Arteriosklerose ARTERIOSAN Arginin plus wurde speziell zur diätetischen Behandlung von leichtem Bluthochdruck, Störungen der Gefäßfunktion (einschließlich Durchblutungsstörungen) im Frühstadium einer...
Arginine2400 mg Folic acid400 mcg VITAMIN B122 mcg VITAMIN B63 mg BrandsArteriosan
Important micronutrients for men who want to have children. 39 exclusive ingredients with a high-dose vitamin B complex and an important amino acid complex. The health benefits at a glance: Sperm formation and fertility Selenium contributes to normal sperm...
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin A400 μg RE Vitamin B25 mg Vitamin D800 IE Vitamin C400 mg Pantothenic acid30 mg Manganese1 mg Biotin400 µg Selenium150 µg Zinc8 mg
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Multi-Food BCAA   Powder consists of BCAAs (branched chain amino acids), the branched-chain amino acids L-leucine, L-valine and L-isoleucine. It is composed in the optimal ratio of 3:1:1 = L-leucine, L-valine and L-isoleucine. Intense exercise in particular can lead to a...
Thyroid & Hormones Selenium contributes to normal thyroid function and vitamin B6 to the regulation of hormone activity and thus to normalization of thyroid function, healthy hormone balance, physical well-being. Does not contain iodine VitalComplex...
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin A400 μg RE Vitamin B25 mg Vitamin C400 mg Pantothenic acid30 mg Manganese1 mg Biotin400 µg Selenium200 µg Zinc8 mg
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Premium quality: original L-lysine (L-Lysine) capsules - high dose with 500 mg L-lysine per capsule - the high-quality amino acid L-lysine is laboratory tested and specially developed for the discerning customer Natural effect: pure L-lysine with 500 mg per capsule and 1500 mg per...
39 HEALTHY ARGUMENTS FOR EVERY DAY. VitalComplex Premium is a dietary supplement with 39 valuable ingredients and is based on the latest scientific findings on the subject of micronutrients. If the following statements apply to you, then VitalComplex is exactly the right product for you:...
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin A400 μg RE Vitamin B25 mg Vitamin D800 IE Vitamin C400 mg Pantothenic acid30 mg Manganese1 mg Biotin400 µg Selenium100 μg Zinc8 mg
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HELP RELIEVE THE STRESS SIGNALS GOING TO YOUR BRAIN Stress exhausts your body and your mind. Dr. Berg’s Adrenal Stress Advanced Formula is designed to relieve your body. It does this by supporting normal hormones. You also speed up the process by promoting “happy” mood signals. You use...
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Rich in natural L-Theanine and polyphenols Highest possible natural content with over 40% L-Theanine At least 30% polyphenols that protect the organism from oxidative stress Caffeine content reduced to a minimum 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly...
Premium quality: Tribulus Terrestris + Zinc + Vitamin C & D + Maca + Arginine (L-Arginine) + Siberian Ginseng, Pomegranate as well as Lecithin, Selenium, Vitamin E, Niacin & Vitamin D - Laboratory tested for the discerning customer with optimal effect Sensible complex: selected ingredients...
BrandsFurstenMed Zinc10,6 mg
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My way to natural beauty from within. Collastan - Collagen Hyaluronic Complex is a dietary supplement and is based on the latest dermatological research. If the following statements apply to you, then Collastan is exactly the right product for you: Fewer wrinkles and more skin...
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin A800 μg RE Vitamin C300 mg Manganese2 mg Hyaluronic Acid250 mg Collagen5.100 mg
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Did you know? In order to function healthily, the human body depends on nutrients. We know macro and micronutrients. While macronutrients primarily provide energy and serve as building materials, micronutrients are the basic requirement for an unhindered flow of all physiological functions....
BrandsZeinPharma Germany GmbH Vitamin B100 µg Vitamin C420 mg Weight31g Package Quantity14 Packs Life StageElder Zinc10 mg
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Finding peace at night is a big challenge for many people. Everyday stress, professional challenges and private problems can ensure that the night's sleep suffers immensely. Insomnia and anxiety are more common than you might think. Finally sleeping peacefully thanks to a proven...
BrandsVitalplant Vitamin B1.75 µg
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High dose green tea extract At Vitamintrend we always provide you with high-quality and high-dose food supplements. This also applies to our green tea extract. Each capsule contains 750mg of green tea extract standardized to contain 98% polyphenols, 80% catechins and 50% EGCG...
Brandsvitamintrend Green tea1500 mg
Der Nu U Nutrition Platinum Series Neuro Night Complex ist das Ergebnis umfangreicher Forschung und Entwicklung. Jeder Inhaltsstoff wurde als beruhigende Alternative zu Melatonin ausgewählt. Zu den Inhaltsstoffen gehören 5-HTP, Magnesium, L-Theanin, Montmorency-Kirsche, Biotin, Kamille,...
BrandsNu U Nutrition Vitamin B1.25 μg Vitamin D2.5 μg Biotin25 μg
Unser völlig natürliches hydrolysiertes Kollagenpulver besteht aus Rinderpeptiden und ist eine großartige Quelle für tägliches Protein oder Trainingsergänzung. Kollagen ist reich an Aminosäuren, den Bausteinen von Proteinen. Kollagen kommt natürlicherweise in Bindegeweben wie Teilen der...
BrandsNu U Nutrition Collagen6000 mg
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Premium quality: high-quality L-tryptophan + L-tyrosine capsules high dose in optimal combination with selected B vitamins - for the discerning customer Natural effect: pure amino acids combination with 600 mg L tryptophan and 600 mg L tyrosine as well as vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and...
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NATÜRLICHES EINSCHLAFMITTEL MIT MELATONIN UND Baldrian Für schnelleres Einschlafen mit 1 mg Melatonin Pflanzliche Inhaltsstoffe für eine erholsame Nacht Enthält wertvolle Extrakte aus Baldrian, Passionsblume & Hopfen für eine erholsame Nacht Deckt den Tagesbedarf an Vitamin B12 und...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin B4μg (160%*)
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Premium quality: Original, high-dosed zinc capsules with 25mg zinc from zinc bisglycinate with 100mg L-histidine and 0.5mg copper per capsule. Laboratory tested and with optimal bio-availability for the discerning customer. Natural effect: Pure zinc bisglycinate as a high-quality...
BrandsFurstenMed Zinc25 mg
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Micronutrient combination with inositol, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, chromium and highly dosed folic acid. For coverage of the increased demand for inositol, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.
zinc10 mg VITAMIN E12 mg Co enzyme Q10453 mg Folic acid800 μg Iodine150 µg L-Carnitine 300 mg Magnesium 190 mg Manganese2.0 mg Niacin48 mg Chromium 80 µg Riboflavin4.2 mg Selenium55 µg Sodium 0.2 mg Thiamin3.3 mg VITAMIN B1210 µg VITAMIN B64.2 mg Pantothenic acid6.0 mg Biotin150 µg BrandsFertilovit Vitamin D15 µg Vitamin C80 mg
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CLAV-NACHT: AKTIVER STOFFWECHSEL IM SCHLAF Sind Sie jemals schweißgebadet aufgewacht, ohne einen Albtraum gehabt zu haben? Viele Menschen glauben, dass ihr Körper nachts einfach regungslos im Bett liegt und sich entspannt. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Nachts ist unser Gehirn auf Hochtouren...
BrandsCLAV Health Weight22 g Package Quantity60 Capsule Life StageElder Vitamin B4μg (160%*)
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STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Powerful combination for your immune system from natural vitamin C and zinc  To protect cells from oxidative stress With valuable extracts from andrographis herb, acerola, echinacea and grapefruit  Covers the recommended daily requirement of zinc...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin C65mg (81%*) Zinc10 mg (100%*)
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The supplement of Doppelherz is suitable with iron to support the normal formation of red blood cells. An iron tablet of the dietary supplement contains 10 mg iron, 200 mg vitamin C, 100 mg L-histidine, 300 μg folic acid and 3 μg vitamin B12. The iron contributes to the normal...
Brandsdoppelherz Vitamin B3 μg Vitamin C200 mg
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Artichoke extract with 2.5% cynarin, 5-fold concentrated nettle extract and juniper berries The artichoke is a perennial that is an increasingly appreciated plant for its many beneficial active ingredients. It is rich in organic and phenolic acids, the most important of which is...
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Sleep Aid – Vegan  A COMMON SOURCE OF RESTLESS SLEEP Shallow and restless sleep can have short and long-term impacts on your health. Dr Berg’s Sleep Aid is the only 100% vegan aid that provides stress targetted stress relief. So you can sleep guilt-free all night. It also helps...
BrandsDr. Berg Vitamin C13 mg
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NATURAL STIMULANT Stimulates the metabolism More energy for the day lets you feel active and energetic Against tiredness and fatigue through comprehensive vitamin B complex With valuable extracts from ginkgo, ginseng, guarana and green tea Covers the recommended daily requirement of...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin B9μg (360%*) Vitamin C60mg (200%*) Pantothenic acid12mg (200%*) Manganese1mg (50%*) Biotin300μg (600%*) Selenium60μg (109%*) Zinc5mg (50%*)
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OTHER INGREDIENTS:- Gelatin Capsules, Rice Powder, Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source) THE SLEEPING SUPPLEMENT THAT DE-STRESSES YOUR BODY Typical sleeping pills like melatonin  force  your body to sleep. They overpower it with unnatural sleep signals that leave you groggy...
BrandsDr. Berg Vitamin C3 mg
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L-carnitine - high dosage. L-carnitine is a vitamin-like substance from the amino acids lysine and methionine. It is important in the body for many metabolic processes, especially for the extraction of energy from long-chain fatty acids. In the body, L-carnitine occurs almost exclusively in...
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STRENGTHENING VITAMINS FOR HAIR, SKIN AND NAILS Strong and healthy nails and hair thanks to selenium, zinc and biotin Valuable nutrients for the hair thanks to the high bioavailability of the vitamins it contains Covers the daily requirement of natural vitamin C Valuable combination of...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin C60 mg Biotin10,000µg (20,000 %*) Selenium41.25µg (75%*) Zinc7.5mg (75%*)
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VERBESSERN SIE AUFMERKSAMKEIT UND KONZENTRATION Verbessert Ihre Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit Vitamin B5 zur Unterstützung der geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit Unterstützt kognitive Funktionen mit Zink + Eisen Enthält natürliche Extrakte aus grünem Tee, Guarana und Ginkgo Deckt...
BrandsCLAV Health Vitamin B10μg (400%*) Vitamin C40mg (50%*) Pantothenic acid18mg (300%*) Biotin150μg (300%*) Zinc5mg (50%*)
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A hectic, fast-moving and often stressful everyday life demands a high level of concentration and performance from the body and psyche. In addition, there is little exercise, an unhealthy diet and too little sleep. This is the everyday life of many people. The consequences of this...
BrandsVitalplant Vitamin B1.75 µg
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Film-coated tablets with high-quality whey protein hydrolyzate Pleasant to swallow amino film tablets with high-quality whey protein hydrolyzate. The high-quality protein contained in Red Aminos contributes to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass and the maintenance of normal...
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Plurazin® 49 Intensive Spray Serum Targeted nutrients for healthy hair growth  Plurazin® 49 Intensive Spray Serum supplies the hair roots with a nutrient combination of L-arginine and ginkgo biloba specially developed for women in combination with the essential vitamin B5 (pantothenic...
I am looking for a dietary supplement specifically for diabetics. Diamelin Complex is a dietary supplement and is based on the latest scientific knowledge about diabetes and micronutrients. If the following statements apply to you, then Diamelin is exactly the right product for you....
BrandsIcerberg Health Vitamin B300 mg Lactose1 Mrd KBE Weight54 g Package Quantity120 Life StageElder Biotin300 μg Selenium100 μg Zinc10 mg
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BrandsNutrimea Weight120 Help ForMen's Health, Women's Health Package Quantity90 Capsule Life StageElder Selenium45 μg L-glutathione300 mg
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Amino acid capsules, each with 1200 mg of pure L-glutamine SAMS ® Glutamine Bombs  are the ideal training supply for bodybuilders and strength athletes, very high quality and high doses. Each XXL capsule contains 1200 mg of pure L-Glutamine from Ajinomoto ® ,...
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Product name: dietary supplement with vitamin B12, B1, B6, niacin and amino acids with raspberry flavor High dose with 350 μg vitamin B12 per drinking bottle Vitamin B12 contributes to the reduction of tiredness and exhaustion and supports the normal functioning of the immune...
Brandsdoppelherz Vitamin B350 μg
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Optimally dosed: 500 mg body-identical L-tryptophan in each capsule High-purity tryptophan from natural, plant-based fermentation Best vital substance of premium quality 100% vegan, certified with the vegan certification mark Our product is regularly tested by german and independent...
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Natural messenger substance (transmitter) in the brain that usually has an irritation-inhibiting effect Highest quality with purity guarantee 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories Developed and produced by our...
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Pure acetyl L-carnitine in its biologically active form 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories Developed and produced by our pharmaceutical experts at our headquarters in Nauheim, Hesse
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WHAT IS DR. BERG’S KETO ESSENTIAL AMINOS? Athletic activity can make you feel exhausted. No matter if you just started working out or if you've been exercising for years, your body  needs  to recover. Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks to promote healthy muscles and...
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Can be useful during intense periods of concentration and training Gentle production, obtained by simple separation methods 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories Developed and produced by our pharmaceutical...
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L-ornithine - good for the liver. L-Ornithin is a protein-building amino acid that plays a role in the formation of urea and in the urea cycle. L-ornithin is slowly converted into arginine and in the body. Both amino acids support the detoxification of the body because they promote the...
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High-purity amino acid of premium quality From natural fermentation High bioavailability In free form and without additives 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories Developed and produced by our pharmaceutical...
BrandsZeinPharma Germany GmbH L-Ornithine HCL1500mg / 3capsules Thereof L-Ornithine1176mg / 3capcules
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Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Please keep out of the reach of children and store dry at room temperature
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100% Pure L-Glutamine Powder Multi-Food L-Glutamine  contains the non-essential amino acid L-Glutamine. It is the purest L-glutamine from Ajinomoto ® , the world's leading manufacturer of amino acids. Ajinomoto ® L-Glutamine is manufactured under GMP...
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Reishi: Medicinal Mushroom Botanical: Ganoderma Lucidum Chinese: Ling Zhi Sanskrit: Devanagari German: Glossy Lackporling Functional mushrooms have been used in the health philosophy of various peoples for centuries. Reishi occurs worldwide and grows mainly...
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L-Arginine is an important source of nitrogen in the body and is one of the semi-essential amino acids L-Arginine in its free form as a base - the base of the amino acid is 98.5 to 100% pure Produced on the basis of yeast fermentation 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our...
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Maitake: Medicinal Mushroom Botanical: Grifola frondosa Japanese: Maitake, Kumotake Chinese: Huai Su Gu German: Common Rattlesponge, Leaf Porling, Spatula-Hated Porling Functional mushrooms have been used in the health philosophy of various peoples for...
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel-Lutschtabletten mit Vitamin C und D, Zink und L-Histidin Mit ausgewählten Vitaminen (C, D) und dem Spurenelement Zink, die zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems beitragen Vitamin D, der Alleskönner für Ihre Gesundheit, trägt zu einem normalen...
Brandsdoppelherz Weight45 g zinc2,5 mg Package Quantity30 Life StageElder Zinc5 mg Vitamin D7,5 μg Vitamin C125 mg
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AED9900 AED8900
Sie sparen: AED10.00
Arginine & Citrulline A combination of fast-acting arginine and slow-digesting citrulline. Citrulline is converted to arginine in the body and has a delayed effect. Thus, the duration of the effect can be extended and the body can be supplied with arginine over a longer period of...
BrandsMulti-Food Help ForBlood Pressure Package Quantity160 Life StageElder
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Standardized to 25% anthocyanins This high-dose blueberry extract from Vitamintrend has been standardized to contain 25% anthocyanins. One capsule contains 500mg blueberry extract and 125mg anthocyanins. We recommend taking 3 capsules daily.   Anthocyanins -...
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Essential amino acid in its natural L-form Extremely valuable as a precursor of numerous endogenous bioactive substances 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly tested by german and independent laboratories Developed and produced by our pharmaceutical...
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With 15 mg zinc to contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system and to maintain normal skin. Zinc helps to protect cells from oxidative stress and has a role in cell division. In addition, the essential amino acid L-histidine is included. With Depot effect: the Doppelherz...
Brandsdoppelherz Vitamin C300 mg Zinc15 mg
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Consumption recommendation: Unless otherwise recommended, adults take 2 capsules of euviril ® volumaxx N twice a day (morning and evening) with a meal and sufficient liquid. Regular and long-term intake is recommended to cover the specifically increased need for...
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Vegan amino acid from wheat protein Easy to swallow, vegan amino film tablets with high-quality wheat protein hydrolyzate. The high-quality protein contained in Vegan Aminos contributes to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass and the maintenance of normal bones. The...
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Rich in natural L-Theanine and polyphenols Highest possible natural content with over 40% L-Theanine At least 30% polyphenols that protect the organism from oxidative stress Caffeine content reduced to a minimum 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy Our product is regularly...
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PABA – counteracts ageing. Para-aminobenzoic acid, known as PABA, is a vitamin-like carbon acid and one of the most important building blocks of folic acid. It is therefore indirectly involved in blood formation, cell division and growth processes in the body. Folic acid contributes to a...
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All-Rounder For Well-Being The fruit of the graviola tree has a pleasant, sour taste. Under the green skin you will find the pulp, which is rich in valuable ingredients. The antioxidants and vitamins from the fruit can target the immune system and neutralize free radicals . Graviola...
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L-tyrosine - high-dose amino acid. Made by fermentation No artificial additives. GMO free. Vegetarian Capsules Tin size: One tin contains 120 capsules. Dosage: 1 capsule = 450 mg L-tyrosine. Recommended intake: Take 1 - 2 capsules daily, along with plenty of...
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KETO DIET CAPSULES FOR MORE ENERGY With green tea and guarana for a high-energy start to the day Covers the daily requirement of vitamin B12 and niacin against tiredness & exhaustion With activated L-carnitine for optimal supplementation of a keto-diet  100%...
BrandsCLAV Health Caffeine18 mg Carnipure373.2 mg Chromium 16.1 µg (40 %) Green tea200 mg Guarana 150 mg Niacin18 mg NE (112.5 %) VITAMIN B123.8 µg (152 %) Vitamin D31.02 µg Vitamin B3.8μg (152%*)
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L-arginine is an important source of nitrogen in the body and is one of the semi-essential amino acids L-arginine in its free form as a base - the base of the amino acid is 98.5 to 100% pure One capsule contains 500 mg of the pure amino acid 100% vegan and free from gluten, lactose and soy...
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Chaga: Medicinal Mushroom Botanical: Inonotus obliquus, Fungus betulinus Chinese: huashugu baihuarong Japanese: kofuki-sarunokoshikake kabanoanatake German: Schillerporling Functional mushrooms have been used in the health philosophy of various peoples for...
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The Doppelherz dietary supplement supports the normal function of the immune system with vitamin C, zinc and selenium and is ideal for on the go thanks to the portion bag with micro pellets. The essential trace elements zinc and selenium support the normal function of the immune system...
Brandsdoppelherz Vitamin C100 mg Selenium50 µg Zinc10 mg
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Taurine - for more energy. Taurine was discovered well 200 years ago. The organic acid ensures a well-functioning fat metabolism because it is important for the formation of the bilic acids taurocholic acid and taurochenodeoxycolic acid. They help the body to break down fats from the food....
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Time-Released NADH For More Energy As an activated form of vitamin B3 (niacin) and a coenzyme, NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen) is responsible for energy production and supply in the body. HOW DOES NADH GENERATE ENERGY? The human organism has its own "power...
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Consumption recommendation: Unless otherwise recommended, adults take 2 capsules twice a day with sufficient liquid with a meal. Regular and long-term intake is recommended to cover the specifically increased need for micronutrients. Discuss how long you should take it with your...
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L-Lysine 1000mg tablets – Vivanta Nutrition presents their powerful L-Lysine supplement providing 180 x 1000mg tablets in every bottle Essential Amino Acid – Lysin is an essential amino acid, meaning it cannot be produced by the human body and must be obtained through either diet or...
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Figurella ® carnitine capsules  contain 480 mg carnitine per capsule. Carnitine is made in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine. It is primarily ingested through the consumption of animal products (e.g. red muscle meat). In the context of a...
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Vivanta Nutrition L Carnitine provides 1000mg of L-Carnitine per 2 capsule daily serving Utilises L Carnitine L Tartrate as the source of Carnitine - providing 1000mg of active L-Carnitine per serving The carnitine capsules are convenient and easy to swallow due to the smooth...
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Vegan Glycine Powder Without Additives Glycine is a non-essential amino acid. As the smallest occurring amino acid, it can be formed in the body itself. As a protein building block, glycine is needed in the body primarily for the formation of collagen, the red blood pigment, bile acid and...
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Egg protein amino acid tablets The high-quality egg protein contained in  Multi-Food Egg-Amino  contributes to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass and the maintenance of normal bones. The egg white protein used in Multi-Food Egg-Amino is a particularly high-quality...
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67% L-Arginine Base Powder + 33% L-Ornithine Powder Highest quality Free from lactose and additives Flavor: Neutral Size: 250g can (50 servings) Multi-Food HGH  consists of the amino acids L-ornithine and L-arginine base, both amino acids behave synergistically with each other...
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100% Pure L-Arginine Powder Highest quality Free from lactose and additives Vegan Flavor: Neutral Size: 300g can (120 servings)   Under certain stress conditions, the need for L-arginine is not sufficiently covered by the body's own production. With L-arginine 100,...
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BCAA - when you want to go very quickly. Amino acids usually need to be complicated metabolised before entering the muscle tissue. Not so with BCA, these amino acids go directly into the muscles after absorption. The most important BCAA are the essential amino acids leucine, valine and...
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Fertilovit F Endo: For the preconceptional dietary management of endometriosis FOCUS ON ANTIOXIDATIVE AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY NUTRIENTS
zinc5 mg VITAMIN E12 mg Folic acid800 μg Iodine150 µg iron7.8 mg Lycopene10 mg Magnesium 144 mg Niacin35 mg Co enzyme Q1035 mg Riboflavin3.0 mg Selenium110 µg Sodium 0.2 mg Thiamin3.0 mg VITAMIN B127.0 µg VITAMIN B64.0 mg Pantothenic acid12 mg Biotin100 µg BrandsFertilovit Vitamin D15 µg Vitamin C100 mg
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L-Arginine pure. L-Arginine is an amino acid that plays an immense role in the human body. It is the precursor of nitrogen monoxide. In 1998, Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad received the nobel prize because they found out how important nitrogen monoxide is for a healthy...
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L-Lysine - for firm buttocks. Lysine is an essential amino acid and an important building block for numerous proteins. For example, enzymes and anti-bodies (immune system). Lysine is especially important for strong connective tissue because it builds collagen. Collagen fibers...
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